Belt conveyor

Belt conveyor


Please Focus on Belt Speed Selection and Principle of Belt Conveyor

As we all know, the most decisive factor of belt conveyor throughput is the belt speed, here we would like to introduce the selection method of belt conveyor belt speed:

(1) If the conveying capacity of belt conveyor is large, belt width is wide, please select a high belt speed.
(2) If the material is easy to move with big granularity and strong grinding property, please select a low belt speed.
(3) If material conveying interval is long, please choose a high belt speed; If material conveying interval is short and the conveyor angle is big, please select a low belt speed.
(4) If there is large amount of dust during conveying, the belt speed would be 0.8 m/s ~ 1 m/s.
(5) If belt conveyor works with a discharging tripper, the belt speed should not be higher than 2.5 m/s.
(6) If belt conveyor conveys finished product items, the belt speed should be less than 1.25 m/s.

Belt speed selection principle of belt conveyor : the belt speed of belt conveyor is related to belt width, throughput, material size, material properties and conveyor angle. When belt conveyor transports upward and dip angle is large, the tape speed should be low; When belt conveyor transports downward, the belt speed should be much lower. Belt speed selection also should match the cooperated material discharging equipment type, when adopts plough type discharging machine, the belt speed should not exceed 3.15 m/s.

conveyor belt design

